That's right folks! We're shining the spotlight on this gal for her delightfully sinful novel series "Upending Tad". We've reviewed the books before so there is no doubt we like what we see so far!
She will be joining us on our Facebook Page tonight at 4pm CDT. You won't want to miss it. She's funny, she's smart, and she knows how to deliver the best spankings! HAHA! Now, lets highlight some of the stories so far for those of you that may not have read them yet! We definitely expect great things from this promising author. Our reviews for these books are below. I'll include some juicy excerpts from the stories too. You're welcome :). Feel free to click the pictures to buy these books! Also don't miss the interview Becky did with Kora below! -Mike

"Tad’s weekend started out like any other; hitting a college frat party with a handful of buddies. But just as the evening hits its peak, things get up-ended fast. Ditched by his drunken, trolling friends, Tad winds up getting hustled by three jocks playing poker. Now he’s forced to pay his dues in the most outlandish of ways; accepting a couple broken bones or spending an hour with his victors’ favorite flogger, Scott. But the guy’s tantalizing torture quickly proves to be the least of Tad’s worries… and the kickoff to a night of raw, shocking lust.
Experience the graphic, minute-by-minute account of that hour spent at the hands of Tad’s insatiable tormentor. Addicting chemistry lights the stage as Scott ignites Tad’s reluctant desires into a frenzy of forbidden need."
(Excerpt for adults only:)
Tad could feel his jaw ticking, even as his cheeks reheated. “Fine.” He shucked off everything but his boxers, then glared at the obstacle looming in front of him. “What the hell is this thing, anyway?”
“My roommate and I have lovingly coined it: the Wall of Confliction.”
Tad quirked a brow. “You seriously call it that?”
Scott’s tone turned wry. “We most certainly do.”
“Why the fuck for?”
“Mm. That’d spoil the surprise.”
“Whatever,” Tad scowled, still not facing the guy. But the sound of feet padding closer had his blood pressure climbing fast. Not that his heart wasn’t already pounding.
“Boxers, too, Tad,” Scott murmured in his ear. “I’m to give you the full-body treatment.”
Tad groaned. Even his ass was going to get whipped? Cursing under his breath, he ditched the last of his clothes. “There. Happy?”
A low, dark chuckle. “Oh, shy boy, you have no idea.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“Stop playing the part.”
Tad bristled, but then stiffened as Scott took his wrist and lifted it up… to a buckle restraint attached to a resin-coated chain. It must’ve been tucked in the wall’s upper right corner. Swiftly, Scott secured it into place.
Tad struggled not to freak out. “Is this really necessary? I agreed not to leave.”
“It’s necessary,” Scott assured, doing the same with his other arm. He dropped into a squat to hit Tad’s ankles next, firmly easing them apart.
“For shit’s sake,” Tad groused. “My fucking feet, too?”
“Mm Hmm.”
Tad glowered, even as his heart rate rose to jackhammer status.
Ankles secured, Scott made a satisfied sound. Like a deep purr of pure male appreciation. Tad stilled, not sure how he felt about that… or the big palms now moving up the back of his legs.
Tad could feel his jaw ticking, even as his cheeks reheated. “Fine.” He shucked off everything but his boxers, then glared at the obstacle looming in front of him. “What the hell is this thing, anyway?”
“My roommate and I have lovingly coined it: the Wall of Confliction.”
Tad quirked a brow. “You seriously call it that?”
Scott’s tone turned wry. “We most certainly do.”
“Why the fuck for?”
“Mm. That’d spoil the surprise.”
“Whatever,” Tad scowled, still not facing the guy. But the sound of feet padding closer had his blood pressure climbing fast. Not that his heart wasn’t already pounding.
“Boxers, too, Tad,” Scott murmured in his ear. “I’m to give you the full-body treatment.”
Tad groaned. Even his ass was going to get whipped? Cursing under his breath, he ditched the last of his clothes. “There. Happy?”
A low, dark chuckle. “Oh, shy boy, you have no idea.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“Stop playing the part.”
Tad bristled, but then stiffened as Scott took his wrist and lifted it up… to a buckle restraint attached to a resin-coated chain. It must’ve been tucked in the wall’s upper right corner. Swiftly, Scott secured it into place.
Tad struggled not to freak out. “Is this really necessary? I agreed not to leave.”
“It’s necessary,” Scott assured, doing the same with his other arm. He dropped into a squat to hit Tad’s ankles next, firmly easing them apart.
“For shit’s sake,” Tad groused. “My fucking feet, too?”
“Mm Hmm.”
Tad glowered, even as his heart rate rose to jackhammer status.
Ankles secured, Scott made a satisfied sound. Like a deep purr of pure male appreciation. Tad stilled, not sure how he felt about that… or the big palms now moving up the back of his legs.
Becky's Review:
After reading this book, I am reminded of that Buster Poindexter song from the '80's, Hot, Hot, Hot! That is exactly what this book was! It is a quick read, but that doesn't diminish the heat, or the humor in this sexy novelette! Kora Knight is obviously a master at writing a sex scene that is engaging, and fresh, and keeps you hoping it doesn't end (and trust me it doesn't for a while)! I suggest this book if you love your M/M erotica on the hot and steamy side, which I certainly do! Thanks Kora, for a wonderful, refreshing read!
*5 Stars*
Mike's Review
You know those stories you have to put down for a minute before you combust? This is one of them! I've never found a spanking this sexy in any story I've read before this one, and that's just the kickoff to this erotic little gem. This wasn't something I could read in polite company, unless I had a long jacket and heavy pants on haha. These guys really go at it, and Tad truly has his world upended. In such a good way! I can't wait to find out where this story go's next.

The last time Tad saw Scott, the ripped physical trainer left him with quite a lot to think about. And that's pretty much all Tad's been doing for nearly two weeks straight. At his wit's end, he seeks Scott out, voluntarily, on his own terms. Will the completely different setting offer what he's seeking; proof that their exchange's unexpected turn was just a random mishap? Hormones run amok and truly nothing more? Or will being in Scott's presence suggest something different... their newest encounter tempting Tad's resolve while testing his ultimate limits.
Excerpt for adults only:
Another wave of pleasure rolled through his body, compliments of Scott’s fingers working the small of his back. Tad’s lips fell open. He was so freaking relaxed that, despite his raging boner, he felt like he was starting to drift.
“Tell me something,” Scott murmured, still leaned over his body.
This close Tad could totally smell him again. But this time he smelled like warm, savory spice, not the sexed-up cologne from their previous romp. Tad wondered if it was Scott’s natural scent. Real deal or not, it still made him salivate. Which was disconcerting as hell and… well… also a turn on.
Absently, he licked his lips. “What do you want to know?”
“What your favorite part was the last time you were here.”
Whoa. Blunt much? Tad’s eyes peeled open to stare at the floor. God, should he even answer that? In truth, Scott had done so many mind-blowing things, it’d be impossible to pick just one. But he probably shouldn’t encourage the guy by rattling off a list. “Um… finally being able to come.” Screw it. It was probably the truth anyway.
“Mmm,” Scott murmured. “And did you ever. Hard and all over both of us. Have you ever come like that before?”
Well, that was an easy one to answer, regardless of how badly Scott just stirred his belly. “No,” Tad admitted. “Never even close.”
Scott moved back around to the side of the table, working his way down Tad’s body. “’Cause you held off for so long. It’s a shame people don’t bother with that kind of self-discipline. As you well know, it’s definitely worth the effort.”
Tad’s manhood twitched in agreement. “Yeah. No shit.”
“You think you could hold out like that on your own? Think you could pull it off?”
Tad chuckled, a small smile tugging at his lips. “If it’d get me an orgasm like the one that night, I might be willing to try.” His answer was hypothetical, but apparently not to Scott.
“Good to know.” Slowly, he worked his way toward Tad’s ass.
Tad stilled at his tone. “What’s that supposed to mean? I wasn’t saying I—”
“Nothing,” Scott chuckled, cutting him off. “It wasn’t supposed to mean anything.”
His hands abruptly left Tad’s body. Cabinet doors opening followed suit. And then another towel settled over his thighs. It felt good, though why it’d been put there, Tad had no idea.
“Lift your hips,” Scott softly instructed.
Not giving it much thought, Tad did as was told. A rolled towel promptly slid underneath, effectively propping up his ass. Tad frowned. What the— His heart sped up. Oh god, what the hell was Scott up to now?
Becky's Review
Kora Knight is back folks, and I am so glad she brought our new favorite physical trainer and sexy Tad with her! Book 1 was steamy, and had you in search of a fan, and book two has more of that, but also you get to see a little into the thoughts and reasoning of Tad. I love this character, because despite being unsure of his feelings, and confused, he goes back to the scene of the hotness, just to figure things out of course! Boy do things get figured out! Don't miss this hot little number, and if you haven't read book one, what the heck are you waiting for?! Thank you Kora, for adding another car to your literary train of hotness! *5 Stars*

"Bec- We are here with the wonderful Author Kora Knight to talk about her series: Up-Ending Tad; A journey of Erotic Discovery. Kora it is a pleasure to have you here, I can't wait to pick your brain a bit,so lets get started shall we?"
1. What made you want to read and write m/m romance?
I’ve always been captivated by m/m scenarios and have always enjoyed writing erotica. I’ve already dabbled quite a lot in writing m/f romance, so when I tried m/m a couple times, and they turned out pretty hot, I made a mental note of that. Recently, however, the itch to write it on a serious playing field really burgeoned out of nowhere, to the point that I just couldn’t ignore it anymore. The fact that I’m juggling a few other projects at the moment and yet still chose to write Tad shows just how adamant the drive was. I typically don’t like putting too much on my plate, but for this, I really didn’t feel like I had much of a choice. It was either find a way to squeeze it in or try to work on my other stuff as a total basket case. LOL
Bec- It usually works out that the story that keeps nagging at you is the one you were meant to write, and I am so glad Tad was a nagging bully, or we might have missed out on him and Scott!
2. Are the main characters in your story based on anyone in particular? (you don't have to name names, we aren't that nosy lol)
*laughs* No, they’re not based on anyone in particular. They are very unique and individual to me, actually. In many ways, I suppose Tad is all the questions, confusions, doubts and emotions embodied into what I would imagine a man in his position might experience. But on the flip side, Scott is too in his own right, even though his ‘position’ is a very different kind of conundrum. Tad is awakening to a whole other part of his personal reality, whereas Scott is realizing that he too is awakening (from a self-induced slumber of sorts of his own) to the beat of a man who doesn’t even fully grasp yet that he’s not exactly straight.
Bec- I think that maybe for Scott he could be awakening to the fact that this could be more than sex, I can't wait to see how he handles the fact that he may be feeling things with Tad that he doesn't want to. Tad will certainly be interesting to watch as he continues to discover parts of himself that he didn't know were there!
3. We know there will at least be three books, how far are you taking it after that?
At the moment I see 5+ very clearly. I’m torn, however, because (as you can tell by the *clears throat* “scenes” I write) I don’t like to rush things. I like to take my time to unearth as many nuances of the dynamic (aka: Tad’s journey) as I can. In truth, I could (and would love to) see it easily taking 6+ episodes before they get to that sought after “place,” but readers are anxious! And I kind of am, too! *laughs* So, to some extent, I’m gonna have to see how it plays out. See if Tad comes to terms earlier than I’d originally anticipated. He does seem to be making pretty promising strides, although, there will be some bumps along the way. A story needs to be believable to me, and an easy, smooth ride just isn’t realistic in my opinion. No, I won’t be making people drag out the tissue boxes, lol, this story is first and foremost a feel good ride, but the characters ARE human and humans, as we all know, are far from perfect, their flaws frequently affecting the size of the roads’ potholes they motor down. ;)
All that being said, once they do reach their endgame, I WOULD love to write a couple more installments just for fun to shed light on what these two crazy kids are like together with all the walls down and nothing impeding them from letting go and just enjoying each other’s company to the fullest. I see a lot of fun/funny times ahead in that respect, and think the readers would really enjoy that aspect about Tad and Scott, too. ;)
Bec- I am really glad to hear this, as I and I know many more people, are in no way near ready to let these two sexy boys go!
4. The dynamic between Scott and Tad is so great, and the pull so strong, do you have a certain mind frame you get into to pull that off?
I definitely need to get into a zone to tap into their mojo. I won’t even try to write them unless I’m feeling it. Fortunately, their dynamic comes fairly easy to me. I “get” Tad pretty clearly, and the same with Scott. I feel both of their plights down to my bones, so unless I’m in a serious writer’s funk, it’s not too hard to zero in on their jive. Just need some extended moments of peace and quiet and I’m pretty much good to go. Although, garnering that kind of quiet time is often easier said than done around my home. LOL
Bec- Haha, I totally get that about hard won peace and quiet! I think that the reason these boys come so easy to you stems from what you were saying earlier about these boys nagging at you! Their's is certainly a story that needs to be told!
5. We love the bsdm aspect of the stories, and how it isnt too over the top, but still smokin hot, do you want to do any other stories with that theme?
I personally LOVE all things BDSM. I was delighted that Tad’s story came to me under that premise, even as subdued as it ended up being. As it turns out, their story is turning out to be more on the lighter side of that aspect with Scott mainly being just a dom-dabbler. ;) Don’t get me wrong, his kinky side definitely spurs occasions for some full on BDSM cravings, but he’s pretty insightful in that fact that he knows Tad needs time to acclimate to that kind of “play,” and fortunately likes Tad enough to respect that about him and not rush things.
That being said, and back to my original point, I would absolutely LOVE to write more BDSM themed stories. The dynamic between doms and subs, I just, I find it absolutely captivating. It gets to me like few other dynamics between individuals do. A psychological turn on like nothing else. *wistful sigh* I am lucky, in that respect, that Scott’s roommate turned up from the very get go, as a very strong BDSM presence in the storyline. As people will soon discover, he’s allowing me to wet my tongue in ways Scott and Tad just can’t. And for that reason alone, I can’t wait to get his part rolling in this series. He’s a crazy cat, whose psyche gets me humming something fierce.
Bec- Ahh yes, Red! I love him already! There are just certain characters that I latch onto and instantly want their story, and he is one of them, but more about that later! :)
6. We are so looking forward to book three, how long do we have to wait for it, and will the scenes be just as hot or are you gonna ramp it up a notch? (Don't see how that can happen without setting the house on fire lol)
*laughs* The third installment is set for mid-November, and yes, the scenes will be just as hot. Actually, I believe they’ll be hotter, perhaps one of the hottest of the series. Not necessarily in the way people might be expecting, though. As it were, I’m in the middle of writing said scene now and am finding it quite glorious. I hope you all will enjoy it, too. ;)
Bec- Oh no doubt we will! (rubs hand together in glee!)
7. How has your writing process changed, or has it for the sequels? Do you find it easier, or harder to build on the characters now?
Ideally, being able to write a story from start to finish without breaks would be the best approach to take as a writer. Unfortunately, life doesn’t allow me that luxury at the moment. So yeah, I’ve had to adjust my way of operating, which actually hasn’t been that bad. Because while the process of getting it all down has been choppier, it’s turned out kind of cool in the sense that I’ve been able to contemplate each scene a lot more than I typically would. Each event gets to spend a lot more time marinating, really saturating itself into my brain. And for this particular kind of writing (intense, individual erotica scenes), I think it actually works out well. I wanted each action and event to be very detailed, each thought and sensation to burrow deep into its fundamental essence. So time to really contemplate them has been great. On the flip side of this same exact point, though, another reason why this individual scene delivery is working out unexpectedly well is the fact that, if all these scenes were put back-to-back in one straight-through novel, I truly believe readers would be utterly overwhelmed by it all. It’d be too “rich” for people to ingest all at once, you know? And would detract from the story as a whole. This way, readers are given one decadent dessert serving at a time, at a pace that their sweet tooth can handle. ;)
As for building on characters, both Tad and Scott came to me pretty solidly established so it hasn’t affected me much in that regard. But that being said, it has been very frustrating not to get their story on page sooner. They want each scene told NOW so they can get their happily ever after, and dang it, I want to get there, too. LOL
Bec- I love that you have found your writing groove, and what works well for you, believe me, it is working well for us fans as well! Can't wait till Mid- November!
8. Any plans to do a spin off series after this one, maybe Red? that would be cool lol
*laughs* Yeah, question 5’s answer kind of answered that. Max’s overall reception by readers will dictate if he gets a spin off book. I’d love to tell his story, too. It’d allow me a chance to delve into that dom/sub dynamic I find so freaking engrossing. But it’s also a darker world in many ways, or at least in the way I perceive it, so it’ll be a definite challenge to keep the air light on some level in order to stay consistent with the writing style of its predecessor; Tad’s story. But I like challenges, so… ;)
Curiously, though, a friend of Tad’s has also been kinda prodding at me, whom people won’t see more of until the latter installments, so who knows. People might prefer that route instead. Will just have to see, I guess. LOL
That being said, if the majority just don’t connect with Max or Friend XYZ enough to want to experience the journey to their final destination, I’d absolutely consider doing another m/m series. It’s just too delicious a genre to engage in just once. :P
Bec- Oh this is promising! Humm, maybe both? Both together? Wow the possibilities, I think I would personally like their stories separate, that way this series can last longer! Thanks so much Kora, you are as delightful as your wonderful stories!

Great job Becky! Like I said, we love KORA! She's a great gal to know. We can't wait to have her over for fun and chatting on our Facebook page. Come join us if you want to know more about the series, maybe we can get a teaser on the third installment! - Mike

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